With Black Friday approaching, many consumers are looking for ways to save a bit of money on their holiday purchases. Inevitably, a lot of people have the idea to open that store credit card that promises to save them 20% on today’s purchase. It’s free money, right? Not exactly.
Month: November 2016
Donald Trump will be the president of the United States. The world is not ending. We got up this morning and we went to work. Some of us are a little happier than we were Tuesday.
Some of us are a little sadder. My job today isn’t to offer criticism or praise of the politics. I simply want to lay out a pragmatic approach for how most people should think about their portfolio, post-election.
Next week, Americans will head to the polls for the Presidential Election. Right now (and likely continuing for the next several months) there are prognosticators on every major financial network trying to predict how the market will perform in the short and long term under either Presidential candidate.
We caution clients and investors to not make significant changes to their long-term investment plan based on these predictions.