Investment Decisions

Teaching Kids How To Invest

According to Gallup poll conducted in late 2015, most people are financially illiterate. The majority of us received no formal education in personal finance during school. We were just expected to figure it out once we entered the real world. Today, many schools are beginning to include personal finance classes as a part of the […]

Financial Planning

Financial Resolutions for the New Year

Happy New Year! I hope our clients and readers had a wonderful holiday and are excited to enter 2017. A New Year brings new opportunities to get a hold of your financial life. Many people want to improve their financial well-being, but are unsure of effective ways to go about doing that. In this week’s […]

Tax Efficiency

2017 Possible Tax Reform Chart

Last week we went over the primary effects and differences between Donald Trump’s tax plan and the tax reform proposal from the House GOP. Unless you were following closely, you may have glossed over some of the specifics. Instead of a new topic this week, we put together a tax reform chart summarizing the two […]

Tax Efficiency

Possible Income Tax Reform & The Trump Tax Plan

This article is based on information released in December of 2016 concerning the Trump Administrations plans for tax reform. For analysis concerning information released in September 2017, click HERE.

Tax Efficiency

Charitable Giving for the Holiday Season

Through some combination of hard work and great fortune, a small subset of us may find all of our materials needs and wants are met. Perhaps, in lieu of satisfying your every desire, you feel a calling to give back. Maybe you just want to save some money on your taxes. Whatever the reason, this […]

Current Events

Prediction Season – Navigating the Tips and Recommendations

Prediction season is upon us. Towards the end of each calendar year, financial news outlets bring all sorts of voices to our TVs and radios to make predictions of what’s to come next year. In the coming weeks, you will see all manner of assertions and guarantees. Some will emphatically tell you to invest in […]

Investment Decisions

Explaining Diversification and Why We Do It

Diversification is hailed as “the only free lunch on Wall Street”, based on the famous quote by Harry Markowitz. Some of us accept this as a fact and take a diversified approach to our portfolios. Then, a stock our buddy picked quadruples its value or the S&P 500 outperforms other asset classes over a multi-year […]

Behavioral Finance

The Pros and Cons of Getting a Store Credit Card

With Black Friday approaching, many consumers are looking for ways to save a bit of money on their holiday purchases. Inevitably, a lot of people have the idea to open that store credit card that promises to save them 20% on today’s purchase. It’s free money, right? Not exactly.

Investment Decisions

Managing Investments in a Trump Presidency

Donald Trump will be the president of the United States. The world is not ending. We got up this morning and we went to work. Some of us are a little happier than we were Tuesday. Some of us are a little sadder. My job today isn’t to offer criticism or praise of the politics. […]

Current Events

Is The Stock Market Affected By a Presidential Election?

Next week, Americans will head to the polls for the Presidential Election. Right now (and likely continuing for the next several months) there are prognosticators on every major financial network trying to predict how the market will perform in the short and long term under either Presidential candidate. We caution clients and investors to not […]