Managing Investment Risks

Is a Downturn on the Horizon? How We Watch Over Your Money

By Jon Powell, CFP® It’s no secret that things in our world are a bit uncertain these days. It feels like we’re constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Most of us dislike this level of uncertainty, but do you know what dislikes it even more? The market.  Stocks have been plummeting lately, not […]

Managing Investment Risks

All-Time Highs & The Lows That Sometimes Follow

“Every past decline looks like an opportunity; every future decline looks like a risk.” -Morgan Housel As we close the book on 2021, another year of generally excellent investment returns, we revisit the recurring anxiety of “what if this is the peak?” It’s certainly not an uncommon feeling. Many investors may think a market high […]

Managing Investment Risks

Why Aren’t Stocks Down More?

One question that seems to be popping a lot is “Why aren’t stocks down more?” After all, we’re in the midst of what I hope will be the worst economic calamity of this generation and equity losses are only moderate as we sit here today.

Managing Investment Risks

Recent Market Volatility

It’s been grizzly out there. Times like these give me a chance to share my absolute favorite quote about markets. From Bill Bernstein’s book, he recalls how investor Ralph Wagoner explained markets:

Managing Investment Risks

The Dow at 20,000 – The Dow is a Bad Index

Last week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average (“The Dow”) cracked the 20,000 point mark. It’s fun and exciting, and it’s seemingly and indication that the stock markets and economy are doing well. Or at least that’s what financial media purports. So, what does the Dow reaching this level actually mean? Well, in truth, very little. […]

Managing Investment Risks

Negative Interest Rates

I’ve gotten a lot of questions concerning the concept of negative interest rates. Many seem to wonder how it’s possible for a bank to have a negative interest rate and why it would make sense for anyone to pay to give someone else their money. Regulated interest rates are a confusing topic to begin with […]