Financial Planning

What is Financial Planning & How is it Different From Investment Management?

By Jon Powell, CFP® Do you need financial planning or investment management? To answer that question, you need to have a grasp on your financial goals, and also understand that advisors have different specialities.  In this article, we’ll define the differences between financial planning and investment management, as well as detail our process for helping […]

Investment Decisions

The Coronavirus & Your Investments

You may have already heard, but Coronavirus is sweeping the globe. As of Monday, according to the World Health Organization, there have been just under 80,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 (approximately 77,000 of which are in China) and around 2,500 deaths attributed to the virus. Airlines are canceling flights, the US is issuing travel advisories, […]


Best Practices Savings Guide

In most lines of work, you read about “best practices”. Well, let’s take a moment to apply best practices to your finances. You may be just beginning your financial journey, fresh out of college. You may have children or grandchildren that are starting their first real job. Perhaps, you just want to get serious about […]